
Acesso aberto Revisado por pares





A necessary change!

A mudança necessária!

Carlos Moreira Júnior

DOI: 10.17545/eOftalmo/2021.0028

Seven years ago, it was with great pleasure and responsibility that I accepted the call of Professor Dr. Milton Ruiz Alves, then President of the Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology (CBO), to implement a new scientific journal in Brazil. Dr. Alves, with his phenomenal vision for the future, advised that this journal should be electronic, so that it could be read, listened to, and seen from all kinds of electronic media. In a few months, with invaluable help from the CBO, we implemented eOftalmo, an electronic scientific journal that aimed to be easily accessible to all Brazilian ophthalmologists.

The implementation work was not easy. The journal’s statute, its editorial policy, the creation of its website, and its indexing in the scientific cataloging bodies was a long and arduous task. Nevertheless, we managed to overcome the challenges with the help of my dear friend, Keila Monteiro de Carvalho, our Associate Editor, and her sister, Gelse Monteiro, our former Secretary General. Facilitating these and numerous other tasks, Professor Dr. Milton Ruiz Alves and our Dean, Harley do Amaral Bicas, were incorporated into our group and joined our scientific editorial board as Associate Editors. More recently, Dr. Fernanda Belga Otoni Porto, a young figure in the field of ophthalmology from Minas Gerais state, joined this group of editors.

Finally, we have arrived at volume 7-seven uninterrupted years of scientific publications. It is this permanence in publication that accredits us to be internationally indexed by PUBMED. I want to take this opportunity to thank all the CBO Presidents during this time. They were great partners and collaborators for the implementation of eOftalmo. I also wish to thank all the CBO staff who helped us, especially Claudia Moral, Secretary of the Brazilian Archives of Ophthalmology, who is currently also our Secretary General.

My friends, change is the law of life! This is why, starting from the current issue and with a feeling of having fulfilled my duty, I pass on the position of the Editor-in-Chief to Dr. Fernanda Porto, who is fully qualified for this position. My new responsibilities as the President of the next Brazilian Ophthalmology Congress, to be held in Curitiba in 2022, and as the Vice President of the CBO prevent me from continuing to lead this incredible scientific journal. I am sure that my fellow editors will continue to do a fantastic job.

With my wishes for a HAPPY 2022, and a reminder to my colleagues to submit their articles and clinical cases for publication at eOftalmo, I bid goodbye to everyone with an affectionate embrace.



Fonte de financiamento: Declara não haver

Fonte de financiamento: Declara não haver

Conflito de interesses: Declara não haver

Received on: December 16, 2021.
Accepted on: December 16, 2021.

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