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Visual impairment: measures, terminologies, and definitions

Deficiência Visual: medidas, terminologia e definições

Maria Aparecida Onuki Haddad1; Marcos Wilson Sampaio2; Helder Alves da Costa Filho3; Milton Ruiz Alves4; Maria de Fátima Néri Góes5; Keila Monteiro de Carvalho6; Dr. Alexandre Costa Lima de Azevedo (in memoriam)

DOI: 10.17545/e-oftalmo.cbo/2015.17

1. President of the Brazilian Society for Low Vision (2005-2007)-member of the Advisory Board. Chief Physician of the Low Vision Department of the Ophthalmic Clinic of the Clinic Hospital of the Medical School of University of São Paulo (FMUSP). Medical Coordinator of the Brazilian Association for Assistance to Visually-impaired People (Laramara).
2. President of the Brazilian Society for Low Vision (2003-2005)-member of the Advisory Board. Coordinator of the Low Vision Department of the Ophthalmic Clinic of the Clinic Hospital of the Medical School of University of São Paulo (FMUSP).
3. President of the Brazilian Society for Low Vision (2007-2009)-member of the Advisory Board. Ophtalmie Classification Coordinator of the Brazilian Blind Sports Confederation (CBDC). Member of the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA). Chief Physician of the Low Vision Sector of the Benjamin Constant Institute.
4. Associate Professor of the Medical School of University of São Paulo, SP. President of the Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology (2013-2015).
5. President of the Brazilian Society for Low Vision (2013-2015). Clinical Coordinator of the Bahia's Institute for the Blind and of the Early Intervention Center (CIP).
6. Associate Professor of the Medical School of State University of Campinas (FC M/UN I CAMP). Secretary-General of the Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology (2013-2015).

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